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美容新法鱼疗护肤英语美文 给鱼美容
admin • 更新时间:2024-09-02 •阅读
1.Forget about expensive creams and oils, mud sks and facials. There really is only way to treat your skin...Get fish to eat it for you.请忘掉护肤霜、护肤油、面膜等护肤美容产品吧, 由于如今出现了更好地护理肌肤的 技巧,那就是在水池中进行一次鱼疗。2.Doctor fish feed on dead skin. For this reason, a visit to a spa pool teeming with doctor fish is regarded as a good treatment for people with psoriasis.The fish, which thrive in Turkey, have now been taken to Chongqing in China to treat the locals there.这些小鱼以死皮为食,非常适合为 大众治疗诸如牛皮癣等皮肤病。现在,这种来自土耳其的鱼医生已经被引进到重庆,为当地人服务。3.There are actually two species of fish classed as Doctor Fish - Garra rufa and Cyprinion crostomus.They are also known by the nicknames nibble fish, kangal fish, and doctorfishen.目前 全球上两种名为Garra rufa和Cyprinion crostomus的鱼适合给 大众护理皮肤。4.The fish can be bred in an aquarium, but experts say those that live in the natural surroundings are better at treating skin diseases, as their skin-feeding behaviour only really emerges when food supply is scarce and unpredictable.这些用于护理皮肤的小鱼可以喂养在水族箱里,不过专家建议在 天然环境下生长的小鱼更能出色地完成护理 大众皮肤的任务。5. As well as Turkey, the fish are found naturally in neighbouring countries such as Iran and Iraq.China is not the only Asian country to which they have been imported, with a spa opening up recently in Japan.这些用于护理皮肤的小鱼生长在土耳其、伊朗以及伊拉克境内。中国并不是唯一一个引进鱼医生的亚洲 民族,不久前,一家鱼疗温泉在日本落户。