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好莱坞用猎狗反盗版 Hollywood unleashes dogs in war on movie piracy

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - This time, Hollywood really has gone to the dogs.


The Motion Picture Association of America on Thursday unveiled its latest tool in the war on movie piracy: a pair of DVD-sniffing Labrador Retrievers named Lucky and Flo.


The MPAA, which represents the jor U.S. movie studios in government and legal affairs, claims the illegal copying of movies and television shows on DVDs and other media cost them more than $6.1 billion in lost revenues in 2005.

美国电影联合会通常代表美国主要电影制片厂与政府部门打交道以及处理法律事务等。该联合会称,非法将影视剧 成DVD与其它媒介的行为使得美国电影业2005年的收入损失超过61亿美元。

Of that total, about $2.4 billion was lost to copying movies to videocassettes, DVDs or video CDs. In recent years, the organization has waged a vigorous battle against global piracy.

其中,24亿美元的损失是由非法 的录影带、DVD与VCD造成。近年来,美国电影联合会一直针对全球性的盗版行为展开强有力的围剿。

In July, for instance, the MPAA and foreign government officials wrapped up "Operation Red Card," which resulted in the seizure of some 6.7 million pirated discs in 12 countries across the Asia-Pacific region.


The job for Lucky and Flo will be to sniff out optical discs in luggage or other containers, and stop the discs from getting to nufacturing plants where they can be reproduced.

猎犬拉基与弗洛的工作是嗅出隐藏在行李箱与其它容器中的光盘,防止这些光盘被带到加工厂去 。

But before they begin their new job, Lucky and Flo will go on a world tour of cities such as Hong Kong and Singapore, just as movie stars go on tour to promote their latest films.


They will travel throughout the United States, United Kingdom, Mexico and even visit Dubai in the Middle East to showcase their talents to customs agents and other officials.


And, of course, they will ke a stop in Hollywood.
